
Monday, January 14, 2013

Back to the grind. . . 80.5 hrs

Okay - So, I finally got back into the PTO mode again.  Reluctantly, unfortunately.  I hate feeling so - done with it.  I really should be enjoying this but, as our PTO is winding down, part of an ebb & flow - it's hard to enjoy your accomplishments. 

At any rate, I managed to get the PTO Newsletter done (late, albeit) and whipped up an agenda (to discuss with a total of 8 people), and work on a layout for the upcoming Family Fun Night.  I submitted the facilities order for tables and (96!) chairs, had a prelim meeting w/ my co-chair - and as a result have initiated so many emails for status checks - I have no idea who I'm expecting to hear from.  Whew! 

But, on a positive note - I am managing quite well at not becoming over-stressed and allowing any of it to consume my time.  As a matter of fact, my sister and I made a plan - and have initiated it:  YMCAa (I cannot say that without singing it!).  We just got back from an hour and half work out and I am left feeling rather invigorated - so I hope this will carry over to all aspects of my life.  Including PTO.

I am adding 3 hours to my PTO volunteer hours count.  And, looking back through my blog posts to see what number I'm up to - I realize I didn't account for my hours AT bingo in December, another 2 hours.  Last count was 75.5 so with the new numbers I am up to 80.5 hours. 

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