
Monday, January 14, 2013

Thoughts on Blogging

I took Justin to the ortho this am and since it's next to B&N we left early so I could get a coffee, look over a magazine and chill while Justin walked around.  I picked up three mag's whose titles I found interesting (I'm not much of a magazine reader but thought it would be urban-like and sophisticated.  I guess you could say I was enjoying the morning and par-took in some 'play-time' pretending to be trendy.). 

At any rate, one of the magazines I picked up was on blogging.  I read an article in which the writer clearly referred to photo-blogging as 'blogging.'  I see those as slightly different as both terms exist and have specific, yet similar, definitions.  She talked about how blogging (the taking photos part of blogging) was so important because it immortalized a specific time and place and feeling - she referred to taking a picture of a garden one day and that on no other day would the garden ever look exactly the same as it did at that moment.  Later in her article the writer stated she was watching her son and mom play at the playground while she wrote the article and forgot her camera and the fact that she couldn't snap a picture of the moment was sad because she'd never have that moment to look upon again.

Now, here is where I have to disagree and define my opinions on blogging.  First of all, photo-blogging focuses on pictures rather than words though, often, words accompany the pictures.  Blogging is a web log.  An online journal that primarily uses words to express feelings, convey experiences, initiate conversations and deep thought - or can simply be a way of clearing ones mind of the stresses of the day, and  more.  A blog is whatever you, the blogger, wants to write about and share with others.  I do both - and that's okay.

I would like to share with you all that you don't need to take photos to immortalize anything you see.  Words are powerful. 

“My task, which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel--it is, before all, to make you see.”
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

Words can paint a picture!

As someone who takes a lot of pictures - for the mere reason I have a slight memory problem - I can assure you that if you see a moment taking shape that makes you feel a certain way - a way you want to remember:  nostalgic, enlightened, happy, free, peaceful, thoughtful, etc - if you don't have a camera - begin describing it to yourself.  Work your way in - what kind of light?  Sunlight - is it soft, fading, brilliant?  What are the surroundings?  Building, trees, people, water, animals?  What or who is the focus of what you're seeing?  A child, a parent, an old couple, an animal?  What makes the object so endearing?  Innocence, playfulness, funny or hilarious, sweet, calming, relaxing?  Look to colors, actions, expressions, feelings - a breeze, warmth, salty air - etc. 

That is my thought on blogging and I hope that enlightens anyone who reads this. 

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