
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

TV Relo

We may break our necks trying to watch TV, but at least we'll ALL be able to see the TV from any seat in the living room - well, eventually. It's no easy task drilling into brick!

Okay - you can see its up now. We still have to get creative and hide the cords. We need a longer cable for the PS3 and maybe for some other component. Then I can decorate and cover cords.

Though I would have paid the price to have professionals do it all (especially running cords) Sky didn't see spending nearly double the cost of what we spent doing this bit ourselves. I can only shrug my shoulders. I think that's a huge difference between many men & women. The women would rather pay to have something done: completely, professionally, and quickly.

Now, it will definitely take some getting used to. But it is easier to see the TV from all the seats in the living room and from the kitchen area. I have never been a fan of this set up but it's practicality won out.

Ok, got it cleaned up and attempted to hide wires behind decor. Still would live to have had it done professionally, though. Still also getting used to looking UP to watch TV.

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