
Monday, August 27, 2012

Hour 16.5, give or take

Last night I worked more on cutting out PTO meeting cards. That's tedious, time-consuming job. Unfortunately, not one I trust my boys to assist with. They can't cut a straight line even with the help of a handy cutting tool. But, more than that - I worked on a Market Day display board. We are going to have the MD rep at Open House and she/he will be set up in the cafeteria. We don't want folks walking by and not stopping in hence - another display board. (LOL! I love making display boards - any bets on how many I will have made by the end of my term????) Anyway, it's not completed yet. I hate leaving a project in the middle. That's not a good trait. It means that, in reality, I'm not very good at multi-tasking. It is almost done and as soon as it is complete I will post a picture. The purppose of the board is to get people to stop in the cafeteria to check out more PTO fun. It is my hope that we will also be selling Hillcrest apparel but if we do - it'll be up to me to see that it's done. Not sure if I want to take on another task for open house night. Ultimately, all I have to do is check our inventory - make sure we have pricing guides left over in the box of stock and info on placing orders. Then, I will need some pins and a discarded display board (we have a few out dated ones) to cover and use a means to display a few examples. Of course, I could get very creative and get a line to hang and use clothes pins to advertise the apparel - actually, that sounds very cute. So, we'll see. Of course, my bum ankle will play a part in how much more I do for open house night or our welcome back brunch. One of my kids (and, of course, none of them will fess-up) left a nerf gun on the step to the garage. I went down, and terribly sprained my ankle. Ugh! The timing couldn't have been worse. But, hopefully it will heal quickly - though sprains can take as long as broken bones to heal in some cases. Wish me luck.

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