
Sunday, April 03, 2016

Why I Support Donald Trump

I am a Trump supporter and I'll tell you why.  First, here are a myriad of reasons why others oppose him:  He's a racist.  He encourages violence.  He wants to 'police' speech.  He wants to ban Muslims from entering the country.  He wants to build a wall to keep illegal Mexicans out of the United States.  He is ignorant about our government.  He is a tyrant.  He is inconsistent.

I am sure there are more reasons but I'll just start with these.....

Racist, you say?  The biggest example that comes to mind is when he refused to condemn the white supremacists campaigning for him by renouncing an endorsement by a former KKK leader.  Um, ok.  I wouldn't either - because a vote is a vote.  Anyone can vote for him, and I think he should take that vote.  Doesn't mean Trump has to support his cause in return.  I think Trump should have come right out and stated that, but he didn't, and the media had a field day with the whole situation.  In another example, he, from what I can determine, is a proponent of "birthism," a 'racist' conspiracy theory that Obama wasn't born in the US (how is that racist?)  Well, he wouldn't be the only person questioning that, now would he - I need not say more on that (documents can be faked, and people can be lied to).  Also, he apparently condoned the beating of Black Lives Matter protester by stating "maybe [the protester] should be roughed up."  Well?  First, 'roughed up' doesn't mean to have the snot beat out of you.  So, he didn't condone the 'beating' of anyone.  And frankly, what?  Certain people can incite violence yet it's wrong to be violent toward them?  What should Trump have said?  Something political to pacify non-supporters or the people (of any race) who feel targeted?  No.  He should be honest - because that's what we want in a president, right?  I don't have an opinion on Trumps remark, because some people do deserve to be handed their ass in a sling but, yes, he could have just as easily stated, "Yes!  Black lives do matter, so do all the other colors."  Boy, can you imagine the backlash he would've received from that!?  Do I think Trump is a racist?  Well, a racist is a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.  Race is defined as a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc., an ethnic group.  I think that among many of us, Trump included, it's not so much 'racism' as it is Illusory Superiority, which is a cognitive bias whereby people overestimate their own qualities, and abilities, relative to others.  It is evident in areas such as intelligence, performance on tasks or tests, the possession of desirable characteristics or personality traits.  I do not see this as something that is right or wrong.  It is a fact.  Only, some people would say that touting ones superiority is rude, cocky, and garner an immediate dislike of that person - which one thing I've heard about Trump by naysayers is that he's cocky.  First, he vying for the presidency - he should be cocky.  He's a businessman, first and foremost - MOST successful business people are cocky - they have to be.  Ultimately, racist? No.  I don't think so.

In regards to him 'encouraging violence' by his statement that the protester mentioned above "Maybe .... he should be roughed up," all I have to say is that maybe more things should be dealt with via fists - and not guns or knives, or even lifelong grudges.  I remember my kids (boys) being little and fighting.  I decided as long as their lives weren't in danger perhaps I should just oversee their fights and let them handle their differences.  We can talk about it later.  But, I do not agree with the idea of no physical violence at all.  I also agree with spanking - which is not child abuse and those who say otherwise, usually wind up with the kids who turn out to be brats - I base this judgment on personal experiences/observations.

So, Trump wants to 'police' speech.  Yes, he does - and I'm all for it!  Funny how that sounds so bad, but the people reporting this don't want to 'explain.'  I'll sum it up for you - he's referring to the media, and he's referring to how the media might quote someone, for example, but only quote half of what is said, thereby changing the intended meaning.  That is wrong, it incites hate and encourages aggression.  Go ahead, hold the media accountable for twisting words.  We already have laws in place against libel.  Libel is defined as a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation.  However, the way the law is written, it's almost impossible to prove, therefore, no one really gets in trouble for it.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.  Prime example:  Trump wants to ban Muslims from entering the country, he doesn't want to allow any refugees in our country.  That's what we've all heard.  But, the rest of that - was until we can get our country straightened out (clear out any folks who are already here but working against Americans - terrorists already in our country) and until there is a proper way to vet every refugee we take in.  The media made it seem like he wants to close our borders - forever.  Well, that would be very unAmerican, now wouldn't it?  Yes, it would.  That is NOT what he said, that is not what he meant, the media knows this but many just don't like him and so they found a way to twist his words and make him look like - oh - a racist.  Police that speech, Trump.  I don't know how you can change things - but please, do try.

In regards to building a wall to prevent illegal Mexicans into our country - well, who can deny that illegal immigrants take jobs away from all the people who are here legally - by nationality or by legal immigration?  These illegal immigrants are using up resources (tax dollars) that could benefit those who worked to earn it, or those of us who were born in this country.  Too many of the illegal immigrants bring drugs into this country - Check out this amazing and thorough article written on 12-3-15 about how drug cartels are getting drugs into America:  (you'll have to copy and paste this into your internet address bar.)  Once you read that - need I say more????  I don't think so.  The wall is going to be expensive - but probably the cheapest option.  If Trump can con Mexico into paying for it - more power to him.  But, even if we pay for it - it's necessary.  And, maybe one day - it can come down.  I had once thought - and still do - that annexing Mexico would be a fantastic option.  However, it would be impossible to do so with all the drug cartels in control.  Don't think for a minute the police in Mexico have any power over that situation - I believe it is the cartel who is in power and own the government in Mexico.  Therefore, it is so important that the Mexicans who want to come to America - for a better life - do so legally.  Here is a web address for his plan:

Some people say Trump is ignorant about our government.  I've read a lot about how he doesn't know much about foreign policy.  I'll just share my opinion on this...He might not, and he knows this.  So, that is why he appointed someone with 20 years of knowledge base to be his Foreign Policy Adviser.  Trump is good at business, having experienced failures and success - both which are necessary to learn and grow - and that is what will make him a good president. So what if he doesn't have all of our government knowledge and experience wrapped up in one, neat, Donald Trump package. This makes him a 'team player.'  He knows he needs to rely on others who have specialties in order to present the best possible team who will, mmm, excuse me....Make America Great Again.  From an article I read copyrighted 2016 via Newsmax:

{Even though he does not have a military or political background, Trump "somehow as a businessman … managed to see what the people in Washington couldn't see," Miller said, including the threat of Osama bin Laden and the mistake of the Iraq War.

"That's a very big distinction between him and, say, Sen. [Ted] Cruz, who is reflexively interventionist," Miller said.}

And the link to that article:

Also, I've read that many see Donald Trump as a tyrant.  Well, I don't think so - as Tyrant is defined as a cruel and oppressive ruler.  Someone who seizes power unconstitutionally.  A dictator.  Hmm - sounds  more like Hillary if you ask me.  No, it is my opinion that Trump is a little bit big-headed and throws around the fact that he's wealthy.  But, I'm okay with that since he's claiming he won't take pay as president of the US and that he is funding his own campaign.  It would be different if he constantly eluded to his wealth and still expected to be paid or to seek donations to support his run for the presidency.  I do like the fact that he will owe no loyalty to anyone group or individual because of their monetary donation to his running.  What about "they can't toy with me like they toy with everybody else," on his boycott of the 2nd republican debate.  Sorry, but the debates were ludicrous.  The questions the moderators ask pit one against the other and some had nothing whatsoever to do with politics.  Trump, owing nothing to no one in return for monetary support had the ability - and good sense - to not allow himself to be used and abused by THE MEDIA (of what most journalists/reporters, in my opinion, think gives them the right, as if it is their job, to incite opposition and mobs).  Good for him!

Finally, so many people talk about him changing his mind.  (Apparently, it's a pretty long list so I won't go into details.)  My overview is that I want someone to be president of the United States that isn't so rigid in his beliefs that he winds up doing more  harm than good.  There is nothing wrong with people who change their minds a lot - it just shows they are thinking.  Seriously, if something isn't working - then we need someone to say, "Hey, this isn't working.  We need to try a new tactic, do something different, see what does work."

Trump is human, and I think that the other representatives (Democrats or Republicans) try not to be fallible (capable of making mistakes).  We teach our kids it's okay to make mistakes, that's how we learn. Whether Trump gets in office and does some things right and some things wrong - at least I know he's human.  He's honest, and sometimes you might just have to wait for clarification - that's okay.  Sometimes things in our heads don't come out through our mouths with the same meaning and we need to have a little bit of time to reflect on what was heard or interpreted - then clarify.  It is far better than someone who makes a little slip-up and, instead of clarifying something that was stated wrong or didn't come out right, furthers his/her actions around that slip-up.  But, again, this is where the media takes something a person has said, and runs with it not giving any credence to the possibility that the meaning or intention wasn't conveyed clearly, and uses that initial remark as a rallying point among people.

I like the fact Trump is filthy rich - his use of his own, earned, money is funding his efforts to become president.  That is the opposite of greed!  I like the fact he changes his mind.  I like the fact he's not a politician (really, it should be a requirement that all presidents cannot be career politicians).

I have never seen his show.  I don't watch reality TV.  I don't know a whole hell of a lot about the ins and outs of politics.  I just know what I like, and what I don't like.

It's funny, on a point by point basis, my kids tell me I'm more of a democrat than anything else.  So, why do I vote republican - well, it's simple.  I believe in local government.  That alone outweighs the importance of all other things.  It is about what is best for this country.  What is best for us as individuals should be up to those of us living in our communities, not for the big, bad, POTUS to decide.  Abortion rights, gay rights (nothing should stop anyone from being able to love and be loved by another), but those things - shouldn't be dictated to any of us.  If you want to live in a community where gays aren't supported, then don't move to a community where they have unlimited rights.  It's that simple - everyone can enjoy a lifestyle supportive of their beliefs.  That is small, local government.  I want the best man in office to prevent terror attacks and to protect our rights as citizens/legal immigrants.  People who base their opinion of who should be president on moral issues don't have a very clear understanding, again in my opinion, of what is the primary job of the president.  From here is the job description of the President of the United States:

The president serves as the highest government leader in the United States. Article II of the Constitution specifies that the president has two primary job functions: to serve as chief executive of the federal government and to serve as commander in chief of the armed forces. As chief executive, the president works with other leaders of the executive branch, including the vice president, cabinet members, and leaders of other federal agencies, to ensure that federal laws are carried out. The president does not make laws—that responsibility is delegated to Congress. However, the president does develop federal policies regarding issues such as education, foreign relations, and energy, and subsequently works with Congress to create legislation that administers those policies. In addition, the president has the power to approve or veto legislation. Additional job responsibilities include negotiating treaties with other nations, establishing a federal budget, appointing diplomats and Supreme Court judges, and granting pardons. Finally, as commander in chief of the country’s military, the president has the authority to send troops into combat, as well as the power to decide whether to use nuclear weapons.

So, this is why I am voting for Donald Trump!

Besides, if you want a change, you can't have things the same as they've always been and expect the result to be different.  This whole back and forth, democrat - republican - democrat - republican, nonsense is just a game.  All the democrats do basically the same thing when in office, so do the republicans.  If you want a serious change this time - take a chance on the businessman.

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