
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

27 hours since January. . .

That's right - I've put in about 27 hours of PTO work since January.  I haven't blogged about it because I was really so disgusted with it.  As I am now if the term 'disgusted' didn't signify my current feelings well enough.  I want to be a helper and a volunteer - simply because I like it.  But, I constantly feel belittled with, what are most likely insignificant and non-intentional, snyde remarks.  They are little things - but then, that's kind of how be'littling' works.  Proper definition:  To make someone or something seem unimportant.  Yep - there you go.  I definitely feel belittled.  By other PTO members.  So, it kind of makes continuing the job seem like walking in shit.  Of course, I've committed to it for this year so I'll ride it out. 

I'm about to read through our by-laws to see if there is any proper motion to disband the PTO. . . because apparently, no one else wants the job.  And, I'm not doing it again. 

1 comment:

Stacieleigh1027 said...

My total PTO hours being 107 and i'm probably being exceptionally generous.