
Saturday, September 08, 2012

Up to 33 hours (I'm being generous)

This was the first week of school and just when I thought I could take a break - I realize there is more to be done. But in my effort to make this job non-stressful I am doing just a little at a time. And knowing that I have gotten started early on this latest task, I feel like I can prioritize, stay organized, and best of all - get up and walk away and come back later. So far I'm on the right track - not doing any PTO work over the weekend. :)____________________________________________________So, what is this latest task? Parents were able to sign up online for activities and events they'd like to help with. Before school started I got that list and transferred names, email addy's, and phone #'s to the forms I have that are broken down by activity/event. For example, everyone who signed up to help with Family Nights is all on one page. I was able to also set the forms out at Open House and our Welcome Back Breakfast. Now, the job is to email the groups (Family Nights, Homeroom Parents, Reading Program, Multicultural Committee, etc.). For the ones who have a chairperson - I just email the list to the chairperson. For the groups that don't have chairperson I have to email the whole group and hope one stands out and is willing to host a planning meeting and take charge. Otherwise, I end up doing it or we end up not having that group. So, if no one from the Health & Wellness group is interested in hosting a meeting to talk about the goals for the group at our school then either I have to do it - or choose that we're not going to have a H&W committee or any H&W activities this year.___________________________________________Now, if no one steps up (with the H&W committee, for example) I could choose to be mad and feel like I have no choice but to take it on - then gripe about it left and right. My plate is full already. But, I can also choose to let it go: physically and emotionally. Physically - so what if we don't have a H&W committee this year. It gives next year's president something to 'bring back' and really focus on (again, like recycling toys). We've been without that committee for almost 2 years now. Emotionally - I'm eager that my reign as PTO President will be a successful one and that means I have participants in every committee that work hard to bring H&W activities full-circle. So, when it looks like it might not happen I have, in the past, felt the stress of impending failure. BUT, I do have Family Nights coming back! So, I look at it as a trade-off. Besides, I am more excited about Family Nights anyway. :) Of course, I shouldn't overlook the most important reason not to let things-not-going-my-way stress me out. . . and that is my family. This is JUST a volunteer job. I will do the best I can but I will not string myself out so I can't be there for my kids and my husband or my friends just because I have PTO stuff to do and get done. ____________________________Blogging is really helping me keep track of the work I've put in and to keep accurate records for the next years president. But, it's also helping me keep perscpective. I highly recommend all PTO President's keep a journal of some kind. ______________________________Good luck to all you other PTO parents out there!

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