
Friday, June 15, 2012

Bartholin's Gland Cyst

Well, this topic may disgust many of you but in light of my recent 'issue' and the resulting internet search - I think, for some, this information might be helpful and is why I am choosing to share my story. About two days ago I got a cyst in my private area. I've had them before: the kind of cyst that is the result of an ingrown hair or a small tear from wiping too hard/much, or simply riding a bicycle. I had, at first, thought it might have been a tear from when I had a swimsuit on this weekend and pulled it to the side to go pee rather than taking the whole thing off. But, as it turns out - it was something similar but different altogether. I had gone to the doc's office early Thursday morning. The day after my little cyst popped up and began causing me unusual pain. I thought the pain was due to its location right up by my clitoris. My hope was that the doc would alleviate the pressure by aspirating it some. Well, two doc's took a look at me down there and had to squeeze the cyst a little bit to get a good feel of the size and where the edges were. I was baffled when the 2nd doc said it was so deep that she couldn't get a needle in at the right angle to aspirate. I mean, why does it matter what the angle is? I have another one on the outer edge of my labia that seems pretty clear to me is from an ingrown hair. For anyone cringing reading this - I'll have you know this is an incredibly common issue and if you are lucky enough not to have had an ingrown hair in your privates - be thankful. The doc had mentioned it may be tunneling and the one on the outer labia was connected to the interior cyst. At any rate, they said to use warm compresses and warm tub soaks to help draw the fluid out, or to the surface. I left feeling a little disappointed because my problem persisted. It is important to know that my symptoms did go outside the range of pain in my private area. Pain, I can deal with, somewhat reluctantly. I was suffering uncontrolled crying - deep, lump in throat, severe headache kind of crying. At the time, I thought there had to be something else going on. Well, later in the evening I kind of realized how these symptoms rolled together. I'll get there. . . I came home and did what the doc said. But, I'm a severly overweight woman and getting warm compresses up in my vagina wasn't so simple. But, I did the best I could - locked in my bedroom, watching old reruns of CSI. I had brought a lunch up - of which I could barely eat. So, I was hungry most of the day - that's one tie-in to my emotional problem. Every move I made was so painful I felt sick - another tie-in to my emotional problem. I eventually made my way down to the couch and used a heating pad - by the time I was ready to roll off the couch - I realized my entire labia was doubled, if not tripled, in size! I'm sure the heat was doing what it was supposed to but the pain multiplied as well. Walking became too difficult, as well as standing because I was standing as if i'd just hopped off a horse. Later in the evening my husband took the kids out to eat. There was no way I could stand to cook, plus the nausea from the pain and the thought of working with food was nearly unbearable. While they were gone I had made a trip to the bathroom to pee - and my hear started to race, my chest felt 'weird,' (pain related, i'm sure), and I could only trickle. So, I felt for sure my cyst had grown so that it was pushing into my urethra. That was it. Fortunately, my mom lives down stairs. I called her up and said, "take me to the hospital." Well, I had a wait. All in all, 3 1/2 hours isn't too bad but it was already pretty late. The most handsome male doctor came in and was digging around inside of me - to get a feel for the size of the cyst, and I began squirming and screaming. He had a nurse give me a shot of Dilauded. An hour and a half later he came in and gave me 7 numbing shots around the cyst, cut (pain wasn't too bad at this point - I couldn't really feel the cut), and pushed out about 5 tablespoons of puss and blood. Now, it's not gone as I type this but at least I can sit and walk. I am on two antibiotics and he gave me a script for vicodin. He said that this wouldn't have gone away on it's own. So, if you've found this post by doing an internet search and think you may be suffering the same thing - go have it excised! It's not pain free but you'll feel so much better, and sooner, than attempting to wait it out. Mine should never have gotten to the size it was, he said. Since the pressure has been released I no longer feel emotional, and peeing doesn't make my chest feel weird, either. A Bartholin's gland cyst is a fluid-filled swelling of the gland on either side of the vaginal canal. The glands aid in the moistening of the outer vagina and protects the tissue around the vagina and provides lubrication during sex. These cysts happen when the duct becomes blocked. This can happen by way of injury, irritation, or infection. The fluid builds and, not always, but in my case, becomes painful. Warm compresses and warm baths are the recommend action to help unblock the opening so the fluid can drain out. But, in cases as severe as mine - I had to be cut in order for the fluid to drain. According to information the cute doc gave me warm compresses can have an effect in 3 to 5 days, cutting - much sooner. As part of blogging - journaling - I must also write that I was so glad my mom was with me. It's not been easy having her underfoot all the time and the goal is that she may move out on her own soon (divorce and a move 860 miles away from her home). But, it is times like these when I want my mom, need my mom, and am so happy she was able to be with me. My husband would not have been very compassionate, especially sitting and waiting. Though he's not a 'cold' man he just isn't as 'kind' as a mother can be when her daughter is in pain. Besides, my hubby keeps making jokes - if I were any other woman - I'd divorce him. But, as it is - he cracks me up. So, he has his pros. Between the two, I'm one lucky girl.

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