
Monday, February 13, 2012

Family Fun Night 2012

These pictures speak for themselves! But, I have to say that everyone on our committee worked exceptionally hard to make this year's FFN the best! I pushed for the Balloon Room which was a hit because kids love balloons - but having the kids walking around with them - decorated the school. It was so cool! The Jail that Ross and his neighbor built was fantastic! The kids loved (okay - so the adults, too) having people arrested or having friends arrested - by real police officers! The food was great, pizza from Figaros and cookies from Hardees - I just can't stop thinking about our success! From raffle baskets to the silent auction - from food to games, let's not forget the prizes!, and 50/50 - our FFN WAS the best! Woohooo!

But, I am glad it's over. LOL!

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