
Thursday, October 06, 2011

I can't wait until next week - no worries about this refresher course anymore. That's one burden I can scrape from my over-full plate. Soon, all I will have to worry about is working and this PTO business (which is really driving me insane). Why do people sign up to be a helper or volunteer when they have absolutely no intention of helping out. It's very frustrating.

Last night while getting in missed hours from yesterday (my paid job) I began to feel real - lost and lonely. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with Sky working the outage - and how I will not get to spend time with him until after Christmas. The outage is slated to end just before Christmas - but it rarely ends on time.

Anyway, I'm procrastinating - back to the 'other' computer. If you think it's a breeze to work from home - think again!

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