
Friday, January 20, 2006

Busy little fairy!

O.K. So, a couple nights ago I pulled Justin's 2nd tooth. And as children do, he put it under his pillow so the tooth fairy would leave him some much needed, wated, dough. WELL, next morning, Justin walks ever so quietly into my bedroom and says, "Mama, it's 5:43 and I need to go back to bed because the tooth fairy hasn't come yet." (His alarm goes off at 5:30 on mornings that he has to take a shower.) I told him that the tooth fairy probably had a busy night and that she'll probably come that night. Next morning comes: "Do you think the tooth fairy knows I moved to the back bedroom?"

Oh my God! I'm sure she'll come tonight! (Justin wrote a note and taped it to Tyler's door - where he used to sleep.)

Is the tooth fairy capable of being negligent? LOL! And, he's so forgiving and understanding. If it were me - I'd be in tears! Bless you, Justin, mama loves you!

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