
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

.5 left for the day!

O.K., I had 3 Eggo minis - cinnamon (sets of 4) for 6 points for breakfast. I had 1 ounce of pretzels (the cheesy kind) for 2 points (morning snack). For lunch I had a Healthy Choice meal and a slice of toast and 1 cup of 2% milk for 7.5 points. I had a 2 point yogurt about 2 hours later. Now, for dinner I was going to fix salmon but, Sky didn't want salmon so we ordered pizza. I had 3 slices of the large veggie lovers for a total of 12 points - leaving me with .5 to go - We'll just call that 30 points even.

On to other news - first Krissy threw up. Later, Joshua threw up. Lucky me. I asked Justin to go get him out of his crib for me (after his afternoon nap) - Justin acted as if he was going to vomit. Shortly afterward Sky came in and behaved similarly! I had gotten Joshua in the tub and I was rinsing out the sheets and his pj's and Sky was making all kinds of faces and wouldn't come near. I asked him what he'd do if I were dead? "Hire someone." Men!

My house is a wreck and I haven't got the umpf to get up and clean it! When Joshua's awake and I leave the room he's in - cry, cry, cry. So, I go and sit with him (I know I shouldn't). When he's sleeping - I just want to relax - time to myself, you know. I need to get over this 'time to myself' thing and just get it done. Oh well!

Talk to all y'all later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found if you eat a bowl of
frosted cheerios a day (1&1/2 cups)
It somehow secretly helps the pounds dissapear. Honestly. I use
a cup of 2% milk with mine or save
them for a snack with my night tv
shows. It really works!