
Friday, January 05, 2018

Thoughts on Marijuana

I figure I can keep this relatively short....

Marijuana is naturally found in nature. How one uses it should be at ones discretion, like say....using dandelions to make dandelion tea or using aloe to soothe sunburns. Considering it CAN alter ones perceptions the only thing that should be ‘fine-able,’ (yeah - I’m coining that) is operating any device that can cause any harm toward another. Heck, if you want to jeopardize your own life, it’s not my place to stop you, though I (or anyone) may be morally obligated to make sure you know the possible repercussions. At any rate, it’s a natural substance....have I mentioned that yet?  Natural grow it yourself FOR yourself. It’s not to be sold. It’s not for profit. Unless you’re selling a single plant so another may grow their own. I don’t believe it should be mass-produced or mass-harvested. It’s a natural-freaking-plant-found-in.....NATURE. 

(Unlike ALCOHOL that is NOT natural in it’s ready state, that alters ones perceptions in the same manner....yet IS legal. I sometimes cannot make sense of how a natural substance has millions in jail for USE alone, and a product that is man-made can be legal... especially considering the fact the NATURAL substance is NO WHERE NEAR AS ADDICTIVE....?


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