
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Stockings are hung!

Gifts from Granny Sharon!

Every one was very pleased with the selection and very thankful!  So, thank you Granny!  We all love you!  (I LOVE my jacket! And the perfume l, too!)

Gifts to each other.....

Joshua got a pellet gun with a scope and  pellets and a trap for practice. He got two outfits and a pair of shoes. He got a remote control tarantula from Justin and from Tyler he got two nerf swords. He also got an art set. 

Justin got a bag for his tennis racket and 4 cans of tennis balls. He got two pairs of jeans and two tops. Tyler gave him The Giver and Joshua gave him a wonderful pajama set (that he wore all day). His best gift of all was a new phone!  Several days ago he 'lost' his phone (I stole it!).  Then, after I 'found' it in the trash can it wasn't working!  It was a terrifice rouse and made for an excellent surprise!

Tyler got a new bow!  He was very excited and has been practicing the violin all day!  He also got a lacrosse shoulder pad set, a pair of jeans, two tops, and a wallet. Justin got him a nice set of earbuds and Joshua got Tyler a nice set of pajamas. 

Our family gift was a PS 4 and a few movies. How to train your dragon 2 (Justin's favorite movie with Frozen being a close second - LOL!), Star Trek 2, and the latest transformers movie. 

I got Sky a 15 year Glenlivet (sp), two bottles of his usual, and in his stocking I got him gift cards to Cabela's and two golf simulator outings. 

I got a sewing machine!  I've only been asking for one for five years!  I also got an amazing Bose Bluetooth speaker. It sounds awesome!  And, Sky, being ever so thoughtful, got me my own bottle of Advil!  That goofball!  

Dinner was a simple affair. We just had ham and cheese rolls with butter but I did make dressng and sweet potatoes. We had peas, corn, Gordies delicious deviled eggs. I made some apple dumplings and mama and Gordie brought more dessert!

I didn't get any pictures of mama and Gordie and Robbie because we were all having too much conversation!  Everyone ripped into their gifts with gusto. Mama and I both were in a position to go all out this year - and we sure did!  I can't wait to see Robin in her new boots and sportig her cute little purse!

I do have some exchanges to make with the kids jeans - wrong sizes. That doesn't sound like a whole lotta fun but, I'm glad everyone seemed to really like what they got. I know I did!!!

Thanks to grandpa Terry and Grandma Wanda. They send special ornaments every year and we always look forward to them. They're beautiful!  Thanks to nana and Grandaddy and aunt Nancy and Kellie. Cash and gift cards are MUCH appreciated!  We've had an excellent Christmas and hope all of you have, too!

Merry Christmas!  2014

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