
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Can Procrastinate No Longer

Well, I haven't posted in a while so I suppose it's time.  First big news - I have diabetes.  Although, it's no surprise.  I kind of knew this a long, long time ago but like many, I put it off because once it's on paper it becomes all too real.  And, real means immediate changes - ones I never wanted to make.  But, truth be told - it hasn't been all that bad.  I'm going on two weeks of medication and a diet change.  First, I'm taking Metformin twice a day.  I don't take it on exercise class days because I do suffer from that inevitable and annoying 'Metformin Moment.'  In other words, I get diarrhea.  I first discovered this phenomenon while shopping at Sam's.  Let's just say, I put an extra step in my pace to hurry up and get the heck out of there before I could no longer show my face there again.  It's a dastardly thing - that I sincerely hope will subside with time.  Second, I have pretty drastically changed my diet. But, it hasn't been as harrowing of an experience I  thought it would be.  I'm rarely starving though, I do get hungry - and that's kind of the point.  I need my stomach to shrink and if I keep if full well, then that won't happen.  But, I have been satisfied at each meal and that is huge.  I have discovered My Fitness Pal and this app is really keeping me going.  I love the fact that the database is large and just about anything I eat can be found.  Those I can't find well, I can 'quick add' calories alone.  I've also discovered the app iCookbook - Diabetic.  So far, I'm pretty satisfied with the meals I've come across and the couple that I've made so far.  Once I get used to this change in how I eat I won't always have to rely on reading recipes.  But, hopefully, you'll notice that I haven't referred to being on a diet.  Mainly because once I've gotten my body under control I don't intend to go back to my old eating habits.  This is a change in my diet that will be permanent.  But, like I said, I'm not disappointed.  Also, I've started Jazzercising.  I did this many years ago when Justin was a wee thing.  I do pretty well.  I hate that my toes go numb - but, I do believe that is related to the diabetes.  Fortunately, they recover feeling before I walk out of the building.  Maybe that will go away eventually.  So far, I've lost 7 lbs.  I'm really excited about it and seeing the pounds fall right off is keeping me going.  I do also have the support of my friends and family, which definitely  helps!

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