
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

41 hours. . .

Yesterday was real enjoyable. I met with our Reading Program coordinator at LaJava (and had the most wonderful chai pumpkin latte) and had a real enjoyable time discussing a revision of the program, and other things. Plus, it was nice getting some of that stuff out of my closet. Does anyone else feel as if they have to have a space for PTO 'stuff' in their home??? I went home for a little while before meeting a group at Pine Tree Grill for lunch to discuss plans for the upcoming and future Family Nights - not for profit, fun for the families. I'm so excited about this! We have a plan for a Math night that we all have our parts in preparing. It will be a lot of fun to see this committee take off. _________________Then, that evening I went to play Bunko/Bunco with the ladies in my neighborhood - and boy did we have a blast last night! I won $25 for bieng the 'biggest loser.' Haha - if you haven't played the game, I recommend it - it's a lot of fun! But, it was also a late night. So, I'm tired this morning (but sometimes it's worth it not to get your full 8 hours.)

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