
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good-bye, Sunshine.

It's a sad day at the Bryant house. Our very friendly and loveable Sunshine met her demise when, most likely, a hawk found its way into the make-shift chicken coop. When Onyx went missing (w/ no sign of any altercation - no feathers or 'parts' left behind) we suspected a hawk or owl swooped in and took her. After that we got more chicken wire and created a roof on the dog run to protect the rest of the girls. Little did I know the narrow 1 foot high (in the center) opening that tapered on either end would be enough for a hawk to navigate in AND out. This time there was definite evidence of a struggle - feathers and entrails left behind - but no sign of her body. So, Hazel, Phoenix, Amber, and Pearl are sleeping with the big girls in the big girl pen/coop. I just hope Ginger and Emma don't gang up on them and have some chicken for a midnight snack. It's gross, I know. But, possible, I suppose. At any rate, we're down to six in all. Let's hope we have no more mishaps and that ALL my girls grow and give us many eggs over the years.

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