
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Well, tonight I became the Vice Chairperson for our PTO. I'm really looking forward to it although I know there will be times I complain and get frustrated. It's like having kids, you know - you really, really want them but they can irritate you to tears. Give and Take. That's all. But, for the most part, I'm really happy to be participating!

The most fun, however, was hanging out with the other mom's at Legends afterwards! I had the best time! I can't believe we were there until 10:15 - just chatting. It was fun. But, now - I'm so tired I'm dizzy. Although - I did come home to a quite house (because my boys are all in bed!:)so - do I go to bed or stay up reading enjoying the peace and quite?????



Jenna said...

I had a great time too!!! When I got home, I still had to pack for my scrapbooking weekend. I was so tired driving to Minneapolis on Friday but ended up getting 29 pages done in addition to eating and shopping! We will have to go out more...I think we have a lot in common :)

Stacieleigh1027 said...

Oh - I definitely think we've got a lot in common. I think this is going to be a fun exec group! 29 pages of what - book? :) Did you get your Caraboo???? (That was it, right?)