
Monday, February 20, 2006

13 total

Last week I was down 2.2 lbs for a total of 13 lbs lost in 6 weeks - yea for me!!!!

On to more exciting news - well, I don't know about exciting but certainly more entertaining! Saturday Sky and I took the kids to Project LEAP at the Lambeau Field Atrium - it was o.k. but I was standing in line to the rock wall behind a skinny woman in a pink shirt. I turned around and back again - there was a fat woman with bleach blonde hair standing in front of me who said, "I sure hope the wait in line is worth it." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holy Camoly!!!!!!!!!! I was livid, LIVID, I TELL YOU!!!! Stupid woman - I'm all talk and no play so I just stood there and smilied. I'm a whimp because if I had more balls I'd'a told that woman to get her fat ass to the back of the line and let me know if it was worth the wait! So, we left not too long after that.

Now I do realize I was stupid to think that we could have a nice dinner at 2pm in the afternoon. But, we went to the Rustic Railroad and got seated. At the top of the menu it stated, 'serving lunch daily from 11am to 2pm.' So, I asked for the dinner menu. And, of course, I was told that most of that stuff they didn't serve until 5pm. Again, being the whimpy, ball-less woman that I am only wondered, but didn't ask, just what the hell do you serve from 2pm to 5pm????? We wound up ordering an appetizer - not too impressive, and decided we'd find dinner elsewhere. So, we drove around looking for liquer store after liquer store until Sky found some Johnnie Walker Gold (he wanted Blue but, kept looking for a better price) and then started thinking about where we wanted to grab dinner. The problem with Green Bay is - there's no variety! And, I truely miss the Timber Lodge! We wound up eating at Texas Roadhouse but at 4:30p there was already a nearly 20 minute wait - tell you something about nice dining choices in Green Bay? Anyway, the place was packed and this was my 3rd time being here. The 1st two times I hated everything but the meat. Thankfully, I enjoyed every bit of my dinner -so, I will go back.

Later that night around 7pm, I started having chest pains - terrible ones. I'm only 30! At 9pm I drove myself to the hospital and fear set in by the time arrived. I became tearful and couldn't speak. They got me back, leads on, O2 on, started and IV, drew blood, and got me x-rayed. Pain was a 10 out of 10 it hurt that bad! The male nurse - I really liked him - funny, gave me some Maalox and said it didn't taste bad - I downed it and gave him a 'you lyin' SOB' look - he said, "it's not the first time I've lied to a woman." I told him it was laced with liquid orajel or something - my whole mouth and throat went numb (turned out to be lidocaine). It made me feel better though. Over about a 20-30 minute time frame the pain subsided completely - I have GERD. Oh joy, right. So, now I get to take some Protonix for a while - hopefully not forever. How embarassing! Not as embarassing as the time I went to the hospital with worms though. {I was pg with Justin, peed, saw a worm in toilet - still moving! I collected it - threw the spoon away - put the worm in a zip loc bag - zippy, I call them. Headed to the hospital. They had me poop, drew blood, I was there about 4 hours. They had to send it to the state lab for identification - I had earth worms - come up through the pipes. Now that - was embarassing!}

As if my weekend couldn't get any worse; I was the committee chairperson for the Blue and Gold Banquet and have been planning this for over a month now. I forgot about it! I was supposed to meet the girls at the Legion to help decorate, pick up the food at 4pm, and the banquet started at 5pm. At 3pm me and Sky and the kids were out and about checking out the flea market. Around 3:30, as we were leaving, I didn't want to go home but, Sky didn't want to go walking around the mall. We did need to go to Wal-Mart but, ultimately I decided we'd just go home. A very unlikely decision for me to make. I checked my messages at 4pm, heard one of the ladies' voices, tossed to phone at my husband, jumped up and down in shear panic, and ran out of the house, stealing my husband's truck and left. The evening turned out alright in the end. One of the ladies said if I hadn't said anything no one would've ever known - but, I don't think I could've lived with the guilt! Now, only 4 people managed to sign up for bowling so I have to call or email EVERYONE! Blimey! I could use a breather.

Talk to y'all later.

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