
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Just before we left for the Zoo Boo I put the baby in the van and told Justin and Tyler to - get in, shut the door, and get buckled. I turned around to go to the bathroom before leaving and as I shut the door to the house I heard a scream. The movie Casper Meets Wendy was on and the kids were screaming because they were seeing ghosts. As I'm getting done using the bathroom, about ready to head out to the van, Tyler comes in saying Justin is crying and needs help. I run out there and he had shut the door on his finger! I felt so bad!!!! I took him to the E.R. because his finger was so FLAT. It began to puff up some but no sign of bleeding. Odd. They put a protector on it after taking an x-ray. Days later this is what it looks like. I'm sure he's going to loose his nail. But, at least he says it doesn't hurt. Posted by Picasa

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